InTheKnow - Google Analytics Reporting for Windows Phone 7


So today marks another day in my Windows Phone 7 development journey: the release of “InTheKnow – Google Analytics on the go!” This app allows you to view your website’s traffic stats anywhere with mobile data coverage or Wi-Fi connection in an easy to read and digest form. No longer do you need to be near a PC to check how that last blog post was received or daily product special is fairing.

ITKicon_200x200[3]I actually started work on this app before BurnStats but with Christmas, New Year and a wedding soon approaching i have sadly (or not-so sadly) been a little held up. For the non-native English speakers out there, the play on words in the name of the application refers to the colloquial English language term that refers  to “having a hot tip” or inside knowledge that gives you the upper hand – This is definitely what the application achieves, by allowing to stay up to date with the traffic movements on any of your Google Analytics account.

I have designed InTheKnow from the ground up to be the fastest, most complete Google Analytics app for your Windows Phone 7 device. I believe it to be worthy of this description when compared to the other Google Analytics apps in the marketplace and would love any feedback you may have to allow me to better achieve this aim.

As a fellow webmaster/web developer, my original intention was to quell my need to check my stats on my phone when on the move, so i am my number one critic when it comes to mobile device applications that use too much data, or add too much overhead/load times. My daily train trip into work with my current provider (Vodafone/Vodafail) is nothing short of a frustration filled commute as i struggle to get 3g coverage – this was another driver in making sure that i both took care of a crappy data connections in the form of light data usage for when you do, as well as good caching for when you don’t have 3g/data coverage.

The application contains more in-depth reports and detail than you can poke a stick at, and will only continue to grow and i add more more reports and features along the way.

Current features include:

  • Important data all displayed in an easy to read central Dashboard including trend information.
  • Over 10 different reports on everything from content consumption to mobile device usage.
  • Search engine and incoming referral traffic source stats along with your usual popular search keyword data.
  • Beautiful, easy to read charts along with colour scheme that matches the theme you select for the rest of your phone.

Features to come shortly:

  • Live tile updates for statistics
  • Push notifications for traffic spikes
  • Reporting for ecommerce and, such as transactions
  • Master-detail views to drill down into a report for monthly reporting for a metric.

You can buy the app now on the Marketplace for an opening special price of US$0.99 or AU$1.30 at the following link – at this price, its worth just purchasing now to save later:
