Start of something new


I recently took Rob Conery of SubSonic fame’s advice and decided it was time to be a good Jedi and build my own blog engine – on a side note: If you haven’t jumped in and at the very least tried Subsonic well… “friendship over”, not much else i can say. Obviously if you want to write a blog engine, there is no better way than to create your own blog using it – So here goes!

Back on-topic: Rob thinks that a good developer should write their own blog engine and make it their resume. I agree. I’ve been a web developer for nearly 10 years and yet i haven’t had a good website for myself for well over 5 years – i always relied on previous work to prop up my resume and i did quite well from it. But as Rob puts it i didn’t feel like a true “Jedi”.

Something tells me, I’m into something good…


Herman’s Hermits said it best and i can’t wait to get started. After working on hundreds of clients, implementing cool features that were taken for granted, along with many of the other issues that come from being a web dev, i think its time to strike out for myself.

Welcome to “Diary of a Ninja”. This is my new foray into the Blog world, and i hope to use it to share some of the cool things i do at work everyday, solutions to problems, code snippets i think are banzai as well as anything else i feel arrogant enough to make myself feel special by sharing (Yes, i do believe blogging, or “evangelizing” as some people refer to it as an arrogant past time, even if it is to benefit others).